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4 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

4 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

While spinal surgery isn’t always the first line of defense for conditions like scoliosis or herniated discs, there is a time and place for spinal surgery. When possible, Dr. John Regan and the team at Spine Group Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, California, utilize minimally invasive techniques to perform surgeries such as spinal fusions and discectomies.

Minimally invasive surgery refers to a surgical approach that utilizes small incisions and specialized instruments to minimize tissue trauma and provide a less invasive alternative to traditional open procedures.

Here are four benefits of minimally invasive spinal surgery.

1. Reduced trauma and faster recovery

Minimally invasive techniques significantly reduce trauma to your body compared to traditional open procedures. By using small incisions and specialized instruments, Dr. Regan accesses the affected area with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. 

This means you should experience: 

The reduced trauma associated with minimally invasive surgery allows for a faster recovery period. Patients who undergo minimally invasive procedures often experience shorter hospital stays, less scarring, and a quicker return to their daily activities. 

If you lead an active lifestyle or have demanding professional commitments, this is good news as it allows you to quickly resume your routine and regain mobility.

2. Enhanced precision and improved surgical outcomes

Thanks to precision tools and advanced technology, Dr. Regan benefits from enhanced visualization and accuracy during the procedure. Specialized cameras and instruments enable Dr. Regan to magnify and view the surgical site in detail, facilitating precise manipulation of tissues and accurate placement of implants or sutures. 

This improved accuracy can lead to better surgical outcomes, reduced complications, and better long-term patient satisfaction.

Moreover, the minimally invasive approach often leads to less disruption to the soft tissues and muscles surrounding the affected area. By preserving healthy tissues, you experience better joint stability and functionality post-surgery, as well as reduced risks of muscle weakness or injury.

3. Reduced risk of infections and complications

Minimally invasive surgery reduces the risk of postoperative infections and complications. With smaller incisions and reduced tissue disruption, there is less exposure of the surgical site to external contaminants. Researchers found that patients who undergo traditional spinal surgery were 5.77 times more likely to develop a postoperative surgical site infection.

Additionally, the shorter operative time associated with minimally invasive surgery minimizes the duration during which you’re under anesthesia, further decreasing the risk of complications.

4. Shorter rehabilitation period and improved cosmesis

Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the recovery process following all orthopedic surgeries, but minimally invasive procedures often require less extensive rehabilitation compared to open surgeries. The reduced tissue trauma and smaller incisions contribute to decreased postoperative pain and faster mobilization.

Moreover, the smaller incisions of minimally invasive surgery result in improved cosmesis. In other words, you can enjoy less visible scars and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. This aspect can be particularly important for individuals who may feel self-conscious about scars resulting from traditional open surgeries.

Getting ready for your surgery

While there are many benefits of minimally invasive surgery, you may still have questions about your procedure. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’re more than happy to walk you through your upcoming surgery so you can feel mentally prepared. 

If you have questions about minimally invasive surgery, or if you’re interested in surgery to address spinal pain, give us a call at 424-238-3281. You can also book an appointment online.

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