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5 Medical Conditions That Fuel Back Pain

5 Medical Conditions That Fuel Back Pain

While muscle strains and poor posture can quickly lead to back pain, medical conditions may also contribute to persistent back discomfort. That being said, the first step in finding lasting relief is to pinpoint the source of your back pain.

Here at Spine Group Beverly Hills, Dr. John Regan regularly diagnoses and treats back pain from both poor posture and medical conditions so don’t hesitate to visit us here in Beverly Hills, California, if you’re in pain.

In the meantime, here’s a closer look at five medical conditions that fuel back pain.

1. Herniated discs

Herniated discs occur when the soft inner core of your spinal disc ruptures and protrudes through the tough outer layer. For this reason, you may also see herniated discs called ruptured discs. 

When the soft inner core leaks out and puts pressure on your nearby nerves, it causes pain. If you have a herniated disc, you may experience back pain that radiates into your buttocks and legs. 

2. Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis causes your spinal canal to become narrower. When this happens, it can compress your spinal cord and nerves. This compression can result in back pain, numbness, and weakness. 

While age-related changes in the spine contribute to spinal stenosis, other factors like arthritis and genetic predisposition can increase your risk of developing stenosis. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medications, and, in some cases, surgical intervention.

3. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes widespread pain, fatigue, tenderness, and brain fog. People with fibromyalgia may experience heightened sensitivity to pain, including lower back pain and back pain between the shoulder blades. 

Managing fibromyalgia involves a multidisciplinary approach, combining medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.

4. Scoliosis

While many cases of scoliosis are mild and may not cause significant pain, moderate to severe scoliosis can lead to back discomfort. Back pain is just the tip of the iceberg: left untreated, severe scoliosis can continue to progress and contribute to shortness of breath and heart troubles.

Treatment options vary based on the severity of the curvature and may include physical therapy, bracing, or, in some cases, surgery.

5. Arthritis 

Inflammatory conditions like ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis can contribute to chronic back pain. These conditions involve inflammation of the joints, including those in the spine, leading to stiffness and discomfort. 

Inflammatory arthritis isn’t the only type of arthritis that can cause back pain. Osteoarthritis, also known as the wear-and-tear type of arthritis, can also cause pain in your spine. 

What to do if you have back pain

If you have persistent back pain, the first step is to confirm the source of your pain. Dr. Regan can use diagnostic tools such as imaging studies and clinical assessments to help identify the underlying cause of your discomfort.

Treatment for back pain associated with medical conditions varies based on the specific diagnosis. You may benefit from:

When it comes to surgery, Dr. Regan utilizes minimally invasive techniques when possible. Physical therapy and lifestyle modification are often included in most treatment plans for medical conditions that fuel back pain.

If you have nagging back pain that just won’t quit, contact us at 424-238-3281. You can also use our online scheduling tool to book your appointment in Beverly Hills, California.

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