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5 Risk Factors That Can Lead to a Herniated Disc Jul 1st, 2024

Herniated discs — also known as slipped discs, bulging discs, or ruptured discs — happen when the soft inner portion of your intervertebral disc protrudes through the tough outer shell.  Regardless of what you call it, a herniated disc can cause significant pain and discomfort, and unfortunately, about 2% of...

5 Ways to Manage Osteoarthritis Neck Pain Jun 3rd, 2024

Osteoarthritis, also known as “wear and tear” arthritis, can occur in any joint. It’s most common in your hips, knees, and spine. When arthritis develops in your cervical spine (your neck), it can dampen your quality of life quickly.  Neck pain can make it hard to dress, check your blind...

All About Thoracic Disc Herniation May 13th, 2024

Thoracic disc herniation is less common than its lumbar or cervical counterparts but can still cause significant discomfort and impairment. In this blog, Dr. John Regan and the team here at Spine Group Beverly Hills shed light on this lesser-known type of disc herniation.  Here’s everything you need to know...

How Does Scoliosis Affect You Long Term? Apr 4th, 2024

Whether you have a scoliosis diagnosis or you’re researching the topic for your child who’s been diagnosed, it’s normal to wonder how scoliosis affects you in the long term.  Below, Dr. John Regan and the team here at Spine Group Beverly Hills answer that question in more detail.  Does scoliosis...

How to Prepare for Artificial Disc Replacement Mar 21st, 2024

While surgery isn’t always the first line of defense against back pain, there is a time and place for it. Artificial disc replacement, for example, can help treat back pain from degenerative diseases, like osteoarthritis or herniated discs, when other treatments don’t provide enough relief. If Dr. John Regan has...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

5 Medical Conditions That Fuel Back Pain Feb 1st, 2024

While muscle strains and poor posture can quickly lead to back pain, medical conditions may also contribute to persistent back discomfort. That being said, the first step in finding lasting relief is to pinpoint the source of your back pain. Here at Spine Group Beverly Hills, Dr. John Regan regularly...

How to Reduce Your Lingering Neck Pain Jan 10th, 2024

There’s nothing quite as annoying as nagging neck pain that just won’t go away. The good news is that you’re not stuck with neck pain for good. Here at Spine Group Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, California, our team regularly diagnoses and treats neck pain.  Read on as Dr. John...

3 Telltale Signs You May Have Spinal Stenosis Dec 15th, 2023

Back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world, according to the World Health Organization. While back pain is common, there are many reasons you might have back pain, including osteoarthritis, muscle strains, and herniated discs. Here at Spine Group Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, California, our team...

Does Scoliosis Resolve on Its Own? Nov 15th, 2023

Scoliosis creates an abnormal sideways curvature in your spine. Because it often arises during adolescence, many parents find themselves researching the condition, its causes, and its treatments on behalf of their children.  We know that it can be overwhelming to learn that your child has scoliosis but remember, we’re always...

Am I At Risk for Degenerative Disc Disease? Oct 3rd, 2023

Are you concerned about the health of your spine and wondering if you might be at risk for degenerative disc disease? This common condition is notorious for causing back pain, so it’s important to understand your risk factors and take proactive steps to maintain a healthy back.  Below, Dr. John...

Is Working from Home a Pain in Your Neck? Sep 1st, 2023

Currently, 12.7% of Americans work from home full-time, and about 28% follow a hybrid schedule. Looking ahead, an estimated 32 million Americans will work remotely by the year 2025.  While the transition from the office to your home has brought about its fair share of conveniences, it also brings challenges....

Is an Artificial Disc Replacement Right for Me? Aug 1st, 2023

Back pain is one of the most common sources of chronic pain. Researchers estimate that about 84% of adults throughout the world experience back pain at some point in their lives. If you're someone who has been dealing with chronic back pain, you may have explored various treatment options, including medication, physical...

4 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery Jul 10th, 2023

While spinal surgery isn’t always the first line of defense for conditions like scoliosis or herniated discs, there is a time and place for spinal surgery. When possible, Dr. John Regan and the team at Spine Group Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, California, utilize minimally invasive techniques to perform surgeries such as spinal fusions and discectomies. Minimally...

Is There a Cure for Spinal Stenosis? Jun 4th, 2023

Spinal stenosis happens when the spaces within your spine narrow. As your spinal column narrows, it places excess pressure on your spinal cord and nerves leading to pain, numbness, and muscle weakness. Living with spinal stenosis can be challenging, and if you’re one of the millions affected by it, you might wonder if...

Why Spinal Fusion Surgery Might Be Your Answer for Osteoarthritis May 10th, 2023

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects approximately 32.5 million people in America alone, making this one of the most prevalent types of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage that cushions your joints wears down over time, leading to pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility.  Osteoarthritis can form in...

Do I Have to Wear a Back Brace to Correct My Scoliosis Apr 10th, 2023

Scoliosis refers to a sideways curve in the spine, and it’s often diagnosed in adolescence between the ages of 10 and 15. Many schools conduct scoliosis screenings to ensure that any children with scoliosis get the care they need. In many cases, a back brace can help prevent the curve...

Does an Artificial Disc Replacement Work Efficiently? Mar 6th, 2023

Your spinal vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, and each disc functions as a shock absorber between your vertebrae. Unfortunately, these discs can become damaged over time, and without fully functioning discs, you’re at risk for chronic back or neck pain 一 depending on whether your damaged disc is in...

Physical Therapy or Steroid Injections for My Neck Pain: Which One Should I Choose? Feb 7th, 2023

Chronic neck pain is a global problem, and unfortunately, the incidences of neck pain are only increasing. Neck pain is one of the leading causes of pain, disability, and even economic costs.  While those facts may seem anything but uplifting, the good news is that there are many treatments for neck pain,...

How a Discectomy Works to Treat Your Damaged Spinal Disc Jan 17th, 2023

Each spinal disc contains a hard outer shell and a softer inner portion. Spinal discs, which act as shock absorbers in your spine, can become damaged. Trauma from straining or injury can cause your spinal disc to move out of place (herniate) or to rupture. This can cause pain and...

Is Your Diet Making Your Back Pain Worse? Dec 1st, 2022

Back pain can develop for many reasons such as strained muscles, herniated discs, and arthritis. Some of these conditions develop slowly, while others (such as muscle injuries) may come on suddenly. Regardless of what initially caused your pain, your diet could be making your back pain even worse.  Below, Dr....

Warning Signs You Have a Herniated Disc Nov 1st, 2022

Back pain is a misery and one of the most common causes of missed work days. While there are many reasons why your back might hurt, herniated discs are a common culprit.  Intervertebral discs are cushions in your spine that absorb shock as you run or walk. However, if the soft center...

Myths and Facts About Stem Cell Therapy Oct 6th, 2022

Back pain and joint pain are two common complaints affecting millions of people. While there are many treatment options available, stem cell therapy is growing in popularity. Stem cell therapy works by encouraging damaged tissues to repair themselves. Yet, despite the growing popularity, there are many misconceptions about stem cell therapy. Below, Dr. John Regan at Spine...

Helping Your Child With Scoliosis Sep 1st, 2022

Children and teens who are diagnosed with scoliosis may experience a wide range of emotions from embarrassment to fear to anger. As an orthopedic spine surgeon here at Spine Group Beverly Hills, Dr. John Regan is no stranger to diagnosing and treating children with scoliosis throughout Beverly Hills, California.  While...

How Your Sleep Positions Affect Your Neck Aug 3rd, 2022

Getting a good night of sleep is critical for your overall mental and physical health, and that includes your musculoskeletal system too. Whether you have underlying neck conditions or not, your sleep position greatly affects your neck. At Spine Group Beverly Hills, We support patients with neck pain throughout Los Angeles and Beverly...

4 Telltale Signs of a Vertebrae Fracture Jul 11th, 2022

Vertebrae fractures can happen as the result of a serious accident, but they can also be the result of a minor fall or even the simple task of lifting a bag of groceries. If you have an underlying condition, such as osteoporosis, you’re more at risk for these fractures. Over...

What Happens if You Delay Disc Replacement Surgery? Jun 1st, 2022

Disc replacement surgery isn’t typically the first line of defense for back pain, but there is a time and place for this procedure. If you’ve already tried conservative treatments, a disc replacement surgery might be necessary.  At Spine Group Beverly Hills, Dr. John Regan is a specialist in spinal conditions...

5 Important Reasons to See a Specialist for Back Pain May 1st, 2022

Back pain is one of the most common causes of disability in the US and worldwide. Although the occasional backache due to travel or sleeping position is normal, chronic back pain can leave you desperate for solutions. However, you might be unsure whether to speak to a primary care provider...

Can You Wear Out a Disc in Your Neck? Apr 1st, 2022

Most people know that worn-out spinal discs are a common source of lower back pain. If you’re dealing with neck pain, you might be wondering whether a disc in your neck might be to blame. With offices in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, California, Dr. John Regan and our expert...

What to Expect After Spinal Fusion Surgery Mar 1st, 2022

If your back pain isn’t responding to conservative treatments, a spinal fusion can help you find the relief you need from spinal pain. Spinal fusion is a surgical intervention that treats herniated discs, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and even vertebrae fractures.  Dr. John Regan and our expert team at Spine Group...

Telltale Signs You Strained a Muscle in Your Back Feb 1st, 2022

The terms strains and sprains are often used interchangeably, but they are two different injuries. A strain refers to a pulled (or overstretched) muscle or tendon, while a sprain refers to an overstretched ligament. Muscle strains are most common in the hamstrings or back muscles. But how do you know...

4 Reasons You May Need a Disc Replacement Jan 1st, 2022

Intervertebral discs, often called just discs, are spongy cushions that separate each of the bones in your spine. Thanks to their spongy texture, the discs act as shock absorbers. They also help keep your spine stable and allow for spinal movement. Unfortunately, injury and disease can damage these discs. Damaged...

Adjusting to Life With a Scoliosis Brace Dec 1st, 2021

Scoliosis bracing is a common treatment for scoliosis, and it’s one that we offer here at Spine Group Beverly Hills. If your child wears a scoliosis brace, Dr. John Regan monitors your child every six months to measure progress and assess how well the brace is working to correct the...

What Causes Joints to Wear Out? Nov 1st, 2021

Joint pain can develop in any joint, and that includes the facet joints in your back too. Your facet joints contain cartilage, which allows your vertebrate to slide smoothly against each other. Your joints support your flexibility, twisting and turning movements, and stability. Unfortunately, your facet joints can wear out...

Why More People Are Opting for Minimally Invasive Surgery Oct 1st, 2021

The thought of spine surgery can be daunting, but if you need surgery, you don’t necessarily need traditional open surgery. Here at Spine Group Beverly Hills, Dr. John Regan specializes in minimally invasive surgery. In this article, Dr. Regan discusses the types of minimally invasive surgery we offer and the...

Common Risk Factors for Scoliosis Sep 27th, 2021

Scoliosis impacts six to nine million Americans, but thankfully, scoliosis is easily diagnosed and treated. Treatments, which range from conservative braces to minimally invasive surgery, are available here at Spine Group Beverly Hills.  Because early intervention can help prevent the spinal curvature from progressing, Dr. John Regan wants you to...

Getting Ready for Your Discectomy? Here’s What You Need To Know Aug 3rd, 2021

Discectomy is performed to relieve the pressure and pain caused by a herniated disc. Discectomy isn’t normally the first line of defense against back pain, but if conservative treatments 一 including physical therapy, medication, and steroid injections 一 don’t provide the relief you need, you may benefit from a discectomy...

What Causes a Disc to Herniate? Jul 6th, 2021

As many as 20 out of every 1000 adults experience a herniated disc every year, and if you’re one of those people, it’s something we treat here at Spine Group Beverly Hills. Herniated discs are common, but what causes the rupture in the first place?  In this article, Dr. John...

I Think My Teen May Have Scoliosis Jun 9th, 2021

Are you wondering if your teen has scoliosis? Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis that affects children between the ages of 10 and 18. The condition affects as many as four out of every 10 adolescents.  If you suspect your teen has scoliosis, you’re probably wondering...

The Difference Between Cervical and Lumbar Discs May 9th, 2021

Neck and back pain are common complaints. Sometimes, the pain is caused by a muscle strain that subsides after a few days of rest. Other times, however, neck and back pain lingers on for weeks, hinting at a larger problem. Herniated discs are a common source of both neck and...

Prepping Your Home for Back Surgery Recovery Apr 11th, 2021

When you are preparing for back surgery, there are many things you can do to prepare your body. This includes stopping certain medications, quitting smoking, and following a healthy diet to support your body during your recovery.  For an optional recovery, however, you’ll need to prepare your home as well....

Workplace Tips for a Healthy Neck Mar 10th, 2021

Does your neck feel stiff or sore after a long day sitting on your desk? Dr. John Regan and our team at Spine Group Beverly Hills treat neck pain in our office, but we also want to help you avoid neck strain when possible — and that includes keeping your...

5 Exercises To Strengthen Your Back Feb 8th, 2021

Did you know your back is made up of three different types of muscles? Each type plays a different role. Extensor muscles help you lift objects as well as stand up, flexor muscles help you bend forward, lift and arch the lower back, and oblique muscles promote good posture and...

Is Disc Replacement Right for You? Jan 21st, 2021

An estimated 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Many of these individuals will manage their pain with rest, stretching, and other conservative methods. But what if your pain persists? Is disc replacement right for you?...

Understanding Spinal Stenosis Dec 1st, 2020

As many as 500,000 Americans live with spinal stenosis, but not everyone experiences the same intensity of symptoms. Some people experience constant pain while others experience burning or tingling sensations.  Dr. John Regan and our expert team at Spine Group Beverly Hills are here to help manage your back pain,...

Living With Degenerative Disc Disease Nov 5th, 2020

Despite the name, degenerative disc disease isn’t actually a disease. It’s a condition characterized by back pain from damaged discs. When discs dry out (which occurs during the natural aging process), sustain normal wear and tear, or are damaged from an injury, the resulting pain can impact your life. Here...

How Does PRP Therapy Work? Oct 6th, 2020

Have you considered PRP therapy for your pain? You’re not alone. An estimated one in three Americans has benefited from regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on regenerating tissues to ease pain or treat injuries. PRP therapy is a treatment that falls under this category...

Is It Too Late to Do Something About My Scoliosis? Sep 7th, 2020

Scoliosis, an abnormal lateral curve in the spine, tends to be thought of as a condition that primarily impacts children. It’s not hard to imagine why this is such a common thought: the average age of onset is between 10 and 15-years-old. However, scoliosis can also affect adults. At Spine...

Most Common Signs You May Be Suffering From Degenerative Disc Disease Aug 18th, 2020

Nearly one-third of adults aged 40-59 have signs of degenerative disc disease, according to data from both the Hebrew Senior Life's Institute for Aging Research and the Boston Medical Center. Although it’s not technically a disease, this condition can cause debilitating back pain.  At Spine Group Beverly Hills, we understand...

Understanding the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Jul 22nd, 2020

Are you considering spine surgery? Chances are, your number one concern is how long it'll take to recover. Although healing time varies depending on the individual, and the type of surgery needed, it can take up to a year or more to fully recover from traditional spine surgery. At Spine...

Life After Spine Surgery — What You Can Expect Jun 24th, 2020

Back pain is so common it accounts for over 83 million lost days at work, according to data compiled by researchers from Georgetown University. Not only does chronic back pain limit your ability to work, but it can also make it harder to enjoy your favorite activities.  At Spine Group Beverly...

5 Tips to Reduce Your Risks for a Herniated Disc May 20th, 2020

There are many reasons why back pain occurs. Sometimes it’s the result of an injury and sometimes it’s the result of using improper lifting techniques. Back pain can also occur as a result of underlying conditions such as arthritis or herniated discs. Research shows that up to 20 out of every...

5 Lifestyles Changes to Help Ease Back Pain Apr 22nd, 2020

It’s no secret back pain is the number one cause of missed workdays. In fact, chronic back pain is the most common reason adults seek medical care.  According to the CDC, about 20% of U.S. adults in 2016 reported chronic back pain. Eight percent of U.S. adults experienced high-impact chronic pain...

Knowing the Difference Between PRP and Stem Cell Therapy Mar 1st, 2020

According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 33% of Americans could benefit from some type of regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is a large field. It began with organ transplants and evolved into treatments that use a patient’s own cells. PRP and stem cell therapy are two types of...

How Spinal Fusion Can Help Treat Severe Scoliosis Feb 1st, 2020

Scoliosis impacts an estimated six to nine million Americans, according to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Scoliosis is characterized by an abnormal curvature in the spine, but not every individual diagnosed with scoliosis experiences the same severity of symptoms. Curves that exceed 45 degrees are considered severe. Mild cases...

Will Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Alleviate Your Back Pain? Jan 1st, 2020

No one wants to undergo spine surgery, but if you have the opportunity to find long-term relief for chronic and treatment-resistant pain, it can be the most effective solution. This is even more true now that innovative surgical techniques have created minimally invasive approaches that can get you back on...

8 Great Exercises to Safeguard Your Spine Dec 1st, 2019

With up to 80% of Americans experiencing low back pain at some time in their lives, it’s safe to say that everyone is at risk for back pain. Back pain can range from a dull, ongoing ache to sharp, stabbing pain, and suffering back pain can significantly impact your quality...

How Your Weight Can Affect Your Spine Nov 1st, 2019

Virtually everyone experiences back pain at some point in their lives. It’s estimated that 80% of the American population will suffer from back pain, and when comparing this statistic with the fact that almost 40% of adults are overweight, there are plenty of people who are both overweight and have...

Why It's So Important to Catch Scoliosis Early Oct 1st, 2019

If you look at someone from the back, their spinal cord should run in a straight line from their neck down to their lower back. For some people, though, their spine has decided to break ranks and run in an S-curve or a C-curve before it reaches the lower back....

The Dangers of Tech Neck Sep 1st, 2019

Most of us are on our phones constantly – texting, playing games, posting on social media. On top of entertainment purposes, it’s also an important tool for work and communication with the outside world. But the device that helps us stay connected isn’t always good for our health. The position...

Why You Should Get a Second Opinion Before Undergoing Back Surgery Aug 8th, 2019

When you’re dealing with back pain that’s severe enough to warrant surgery, chances are your pain makes everyday decisions difficult. Add to that the decision to undergo surgery, and you have a very challenging load at a time when you may not be able to give full attention. Yet, despite...

Stem Cell Therapy vs. PRP Therapy: Which Is Right for You? Jul 10th, 2019

Regenerative medicine is experiencing an exciting period of development. Rather than aiming for direct treatment of diseases and ailments, regenerative treatments seek to assist your body’s natural healing abilities, resulting in natural pain relief and faster, more efficient repair of body systems. Stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy...

What are My Treatment Options for Osteoporosis Pain? Jun 14th, 2019

In 2018, about 10 million Americans suffered from osteoporosis, and this number is expected to rise to 14 million by 2020. Women suffer at a rate that’s nearly five times that of men. Not all osteoporosis sufferers experience discomfort, but chronic pain frequently accompanies some stages of the disease, particularly...

When Does Neck Pain Require Surgery? May 13th, 2019

While we often joke about things being a “pain in the neck,” real neck pain is no laughing matter. Some cases may even require surgery, such as neck injuries that stem from car accidents or falls. Dr. John Regan, an orthopedic spine surgeon here at Spine Group Beverly Hills and...

Returning to Sports After Back Surgery Apr 4th, 2019

Surgery of any kind is a serious undertaking that requires a fair bit of time and patience on your part. But when it comes to your back, you need to be especially mindful of not pushing yourself too far or too fast after surgery. At Spine Group Beverly Hills, under...

Why Patients Nationwide Visit Spine Group Beverly Hills for a Second Opinion Before Back Surgery Mar 27th, 2019

It can be incredibly tough when you’re facing a debilitating medical issue, because you want relief and you want it fast. But before you have surgery of any kind, a little due diligence can go a long way toward a successful outcome, which is especially true of back problems. If...

How Innovative Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Fight Your Battle Against Chronic Pain Feb 3rd, 2019

Living with chronic pain is much more than simply a physical ordeal. The emotional and psychological effects of constant, ongoing pain can take a toll on the strongest of men and women. Often, chronic pain results from degenerative conditions, such as arthritis, where your body simply can’t keep up with...

Common Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis and Your Options For Relief Jan 8th, 2019

When you have spinal stenosis, the hollow space inside your spine narrows, putting added pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves branching out from the spine. This condition most often occurs in the cervical spine (neck) or the lumbar spine (lower back). An estimated 1 out of every 1000...

Learn How Our Minimally Invasive Surgery Repairs Bulging Discs With Less Pain, Risk, and Downtime Dec 19th, 2018

Bulging or herniated discs are a common cause of back pain, and without treatment, they can cause permanent disability in your legs or arms. There was a time when repairing a damaged disc meant undergoing invasive back surgery with big incisions, a long hospital stay, and a lot of discomfort...

PRP: An All-Natural Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain Nov 28th, 2018

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints among men and women, and the bad news is, it can get worse as we get older. Pain in the lower back can have different causes, but a lot of lower back pain is related to problems with the cushiony...

Can Adults Develop Scoliosis? Oct 31st, 2018

Your spine provides an amazing framework for your body as it helps to coordinate every movement you make. Of course, your ability to perform all your daily activities depends on having a spinal structure that’s balanced and strong. A normally straight spine has small curves from front to back. However,...

How Stem Cell Therapy Can Eliminate the Need for Surgery for Patients with Degenerative Disc Disease Sep 13th, 2018

When you suffer from chronic back pain due to degenerative disc disease, it can be difficult to decide what to do. Ideally, you want a solution that alleviates your pain, increases your mobility, and improves your overall functionality without the risks of surgery.At Spine Group Beverly Hills, John Regan, MD,...